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Portrait of political candidate Jesse O'Driscoll
Thank you all for your support! While we did not win, we reached 43% of the primary election vote. Rochester hungers for creative leadership, and I will not give up on our future. 

Olmsted Common Sense

Our state needs a new generation of public servants – one that is in touch with the challenges and hopes of millenials and Gen Z, one that cares more about what society will look like in 50 years than 50 weeks, and one that thinks about ensuring the well-being of our children rather than ourselves. 

The state of Minnesota is at a decisive moment. This is the decade that will decide what our cities will look like, whether your relative can afford a house, and whether the new taxpayers will have good enough education and mental health to run society when you retire.​

If you agree, join me. I'm not a professional politician nor a lawyer. What I am is a motivated citizen, loyal to Rochester and Minnesota broadly. What Saint Paul really needs is good ideas rooted in obvious truths, desire to address our state's immediate challenges, and efforts to build a solid way of life for posterity:

In short, we need Olmsted Common Sense.

My Priorities


Countless millenials and Gen Z'ers can't afford a house. Most baby boomer politicians don't understand how circumstances are different now than in the 20th century. But it doesn't have to be this way. Build beautiful rowhomes and cottage courts as well as single-family houses, allow ward-level sovereignty by referenda on residential zoning policies, and prohibit out-of-state corporations from owning multiple houses in our county.


How a state educates its children determines its future. Instill a love of learning and of our culture by drastically increasing teacher salaries, making it easier to fire bad teachers and hire good new ones, and requiring a course on Minnesota history.


Minnesota cannot become a place where your daughter can't walk to the fast food restaurant in broad daylight. Hold rogue judges accountable, make mandatory minimum sentencing mandatory again for all violent crimes and robberies, and make mandatory minima for all levels of criminal sexual conduct.

The Family

Strong families make strong societies, and citizens are struggling with isolation. Make it possible again for most families to live on one single income. Incentivize large families through steep tax benefits to families of 4 or more natural or adopted children. Stop penalizing fathers in the home.

Social Cohesion

Strong communities and mental health are inextricably linked. Holding our society together this century requires that we repair the social fabric through voluntary associations, beautiful spaces, and a love of one's neighborhood. Create a sense of place and community by rethinking our zoning laws on small businesses and cottage industries. Incentivize architecture in line with local and state customs and tradition.


AUGUST 10-11

No early voting on weekends

AUGUST 12, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Early voting for primary

AUGUST 13, 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Primary Election

General election early voting begins (Click for more)

NOVEMBER 5, 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
General Election

© 2024 by Jesse O'Driscoll

Prepared and paid for by the Jesse for MN House committee, PO Box 5753 Rochester, MN 55903

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