Fresh ideas, homegrown
Jesse O'Driscoll is a 23-year-old lifelong Rochesterite born at Methodist hospital and educated at Schaeffer Academy. He graduated from Baylor University in Texas in 2023 with a B.S. in Biology on the premedical track. He was elected to the Student Senate and served there, seeking to clean part of the Brazos watershed and beautify the campus. Subsequently, he was elected permanent class secretary/treasurer for the alumni of 2023. He enjoyed summers working in Rochester. After returning here, he sought to learn more about the challenges facing our city and state and spoke with coworkers, citizens, people involved in the local public education system, current and former state legislators, and various members of communities on the North Shore including the Grand Portage Reservation. He attended meetings of the Rochester City Hall, Rochester Township Hall, and Rochester School Board, and spoke with local party officials and a City Council member to propose a brownstone-style neighborhood where Toys R Us once stood. At the Olmsted County caucus, he was elected as a delegate to the convention in Byron, and from there he was elected as a delegate to the Minnesota Republican State Convention in Saint Paul.
Jesse recently transitioned from a job as a pharmacy technician to a research position and hopes to attend medical school after serving in the State House. He is a Christian and attends Trinity Presbyterian Church in Rochester. His hobbies include hiking, fishing, running, reading old books, gardening, and socializing in large gatherings like Thursdays on First. He enjoys conversing in his limited French and Spanish. He likes traveling and has fond memories of Honduras and Kenya. He volunteers as a tutor at Friendship Place in Meadow Park. His interests include long-term historical patterns, philosophy, and wildlife. He can often be identified by a Panama hat and is open to anyone who wants to share the needs and challenges of his or her part of town.